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Ukraine Copyright | Music

1. Copyright Protection for a Musical or Stage Work

Copyright protects the author's rights to a musical or stage work created by them from the moment the work is expressed in material form (in musical note form, in the form of a phonogram, videogram, or in a form that can be read by a computer). Both finished works and working materials are subject to protection. Ideas are not subject to copyright protection.

Copyright protects all kinds of musical and stage works, regardless of the method of fixation, method of performance, and genre.

In particular, copyright protects:

1.1. Musical works:

  • spiritual music (spirituals, psalms, hymns, chorales);
  • theater music;
  • dance music;
  • symphonic music (symphony, suite, overture, symphonic poem);
  • instrumental music;
  • vocal music (song, vocalization, rock music, pop music);
  • electronic music;
  • film music;
  • potpourri.

1.2. Dramatic works:

  • tragedy;
  • comedy;
  • tragicomedy;
  • drama;
  • melodrama;
  • mystery;
  • vaudeville;
  • farce.

1.3. Musical and dramatic works:

  • opera;
  • operetta;
  • oratorio;
  • cantata;
  • musical drama;
  • musical comedy;
  • musical;
  • rock opera

1.4. Choreographic works:

  • ballet;
  • pop dance;
  • folk dance;
  • ballroom dance;
  • sports dance;
  • choreographic scene.

1.5. Pantomimes:

  • dancing;
  • classic;
  • acrobatic;
  • eccentric

Authors of musical, dramatic, musical and dramatic, choreographic works, and pantomimes have the exclusive right to allow the following:

  • public display and performance of one's works, including public display and performance carried out by any means or methods;
  • transmission by any means of production and performances of works for public general knowledge.

The same rights are granted to the authors of dramatic or musical-dramatic works regarding the translation of their works during the entire term of their rights to the original works.

Despite the fact that the law is on the side of the author and provides him with unconditional protection, violations related to the illegal use of other people's musical and stage works often occur, which leads to pre-trial and court disputes.

In such cases, in order to initiate the protection of your rights and get the infringement stopped, you need to have proof that you are the author.

The most reliable way to confirm your authorship is the state registration of copyright, as a result of which you receive a certificate. Several musical and stage works of works can be included in one application.

Registration of Copyright In Ukraine

Description Fees, UAH.
40301 ATTORNEY'S FEE for drafting and filing a copyright application — coef. 1 2500.00
40302 ATTORNEY'S FEE for copyright prosecution (tracking deadlines, receiving documents, reporting an office action) — coef. 1 1000.00
40303 Copyright filing fee (OFFICIAL FEE) - for individuals 255* / 510**

* individual

** legal entity

The examination of the application takes place within 2 months.

The application for registration of copyright to a work must contain:

  • a statement in the Ukrainian language, drawn up according to the approved form;
  • a copy of the work (published or unpublished) in printed form or in electronic form;
  • if it was published earlier - a document testifying to the fact and date of publication of the work;
  • a document on the payment of a fee for preparation for the registration of a copyright for a work or a copy of a document confirming the right to be exempted from paying the fee;
  • a document on the payment of the state duty for the issuance of a certificate or a copy of the document confirming the right to exemption from the payment of the duty for the issuance of a certificate;
  • a power of attorney issued in the name of a patent attorney (does not require notarization);
  • other documents, depending on the situation.

Consultations On Copyright Protection

We provide consultations on copyright protection in Ukraine and abroad, as well as written materials explaining the stages and cost of registration.

The following are provided free of charge:

  • first 15 minutes of oral consultation on copyright protection;
  • standard written materials on the stages and cost of copyright registration.

In most cases, free consultations and basic written materials are enough to make a decision to start working with us.

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